Sunday, August 19, 2007

Who's Having the Best Week Ever?

I am!

I just spent a week without talking to Ryan, which was tough, but I reminded myself that Michelle spends half the year not being able to talk to anyone but the people on her ship. So I was very constructive and worked out every day, worked like a dog, and made some moolah, all the time with that anticipation of talking to and seeing Ryan. Don't you think that you appreciate someone so much more after you've been away from them for a time? It just helps you not take things for granted so much. Then I got to see my two best friends from the start of our freshman year at Purdue together.

I saw Katy at Scotty's; she was there with Sam and his mom and dad, after getting him moved back to Purdue. She just finished her first week teaching sophomores English! She's a real teacher! We both talked about how it's great to have our own places all to ourselves, even though the first couple nights alone are a little scary.

I had lunch with Beth today and we did a lot of catching up. She's got 6 weeks of class and then student teaching, so it'll be nice that she'll be in and out of town for the next month or so. I think she's getting to the point Katy and I were earlier during senior year; where is my life going, I'm going to be on my own, etc. The thrill of independence but also the scariness of not knowing what's coming next. Anyway, she, Katy, and I are going to try to plan a trip to my number one destination of choice: New York!

Let me back up and tell you more about where Ryan was all week. He was at Glee Club camp! They weren't allowed to have their cell phones, hence the no talking to him for the week. He came back and I had the best night listening to him tell me about camp! He's in a new specialty group, "Boiler Boys" based on "Jersey Boys," the musical about the Four Seasons. And Beth's already heard them (she went to their show at camp) and said they were great! I can't WAIT to hear Ryan sing at the Glee Club's show on Friday!

More reasons I'm having the best week ever: I now have the soundtrack to the musical version of "Legally Blonde" thanks to Beth, and it's very funny! If you're a fan of the movie, you'll love the music. Hopefully I'll get to see this in New York...hmmm! Also, High School Musical 2 came out this weekend. I actually have yet to see the entire thing, but what I've seen is cute and very catchy. What can I say, they've hit the jackpot with this franchise. I know it's a little cheesy, but it's great and it's great for kids to get into singing and dancing, and it's great material for school music departments to get kids involved. And I love it.

And now there's a possibility of my getting hired full time at the TV station! Keep your fingers crossed! I hope it works out. I'll definitely keep you posted.

Lastly, I turned 23. Nothing exciting happened except that I am now officially off my parents' health insurance. But, hey, it's a birthday! And I love birthdays! Caitlin took me to lunch on my birthday, and that was nice. And Ryan said he's going to take me shopping for stuff for my apartment. Yay!!! He knows I love my birthday, and since he had to miss it altogether due to being at camp, he said we'll get to celebrate now that he's back. And he does know how to make a girl feel special. Can't wait!

Well it's time to make some TV magic. And I don't have to go to school tomorrow! How cool is that?

Good night!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

And We're Baaaack!

Just back during some downtime at the station to update on a couple things. As you know if you've been reading, I'm addicted to BB8, and it's really starting to get intense. One contestant is Eric, America's Player, which means that he is sort of "controlled" by anyone who wants to vote in the U.S., and they submit votes every week to tell him who to try to put up for eviction nominations, and most importantly, who to vote out of the house. This is hard for Eric, because he came into the house with his own game plan and now has to modify to what America requests from him, and the last two eviction elections, America told him to vote against his alliance, which was very risky. Well, everyone in the house sort of figured out that it was he who was casting the wayward votes, and last week Daniele as HOH had a personal vendetta to get Eric out of the house. He was almost back-doored, but some loyal alliance votes saved him...for this week. Now his best friend in the house, Jessica, is HOH, which would be good for him except that she really questions her ability to trust him after all the talk last week.

Here is where I have to say...America, what are you doing?! I know some people have said they don't like Eric, and I'm sure that some are trying to sabotage him to get him out of the house, but I think that once that happens, all those voters will regret it, because now they will have nothing to do but sit and watch the show, having no input or feeling of control with the show. Furthermore, the whole reason Daniele went on her campaign anyway is because during an endurance competition in the backyard, someone flew over the BB house with a banner saying that Eric was a liar. If it weren't for negative outside influence, Eric would still be playing the game without any backlash like he's getting now. My personal opinion is that Eric is kind of a tool, but I have to admire the way he plays the game, incorporating his assigned tasks with his own style. He's smart, and he deserves to stay in the game because he's playing it smart. Now everyone thinks he voted the way he did because he was trying to set someone up, but the truth is that he was just doing what he had to do as part of the game. I can't wait to see what happens when Dick and Daniele find out Eric's role in this game.

Enough about that! I know it's kind of lame to be into that kind of stuff, but it's fun, and it's all that I get on TV besides crime shows. CBS needs to run more sitcoms, by the way. We've got three different CSIs, Without a Trace, Cold Case, Close to Home, Ghost Whisperer, 48 Hours Mystery, NCIS, and The Unit. Gimme a break, I need something fun to watch!

Current music tastes: I've been listening to Christmas music (already getting excited for the Purdue Christmas Show as usual) and any other recordings of PMO, just because I'm excited to see upcoming shows as the new season begins. I also feel like the Christmas music may help me think chilly thoughts and stay a little cooler during this heat wave! (I feel bad complaining about the heat; Michelle is in the middle east and I know it's hotter there than it is here!)

Movies I'm into at the moment: Anything by the Chris Guest/Eugene Levy troupe (Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman, A Mighty Wind, This is Spinal Tap). I just watched Spinal Tap for the first time and it was great! So funny to see these guys when they were younger! I'd like to get my own copy of Waiting for Guffman, and I'd also like to find the new one they made last year called "For Your Consideration," but I haven't seen either anywhere. I also decided yesterday that I should own more musicals. All I have is The Wizard of Oz and High School Musical (does that really count?), so last night I went to Target and bought "Hello, Dolly!" and "The Wiz." I love Dolly...I think if I could ever have a dream role, that would be it, that meddling, fast-talking lady! I was actually in The Wiz in high school, and the movie is so much cooler, and Ryan had expressed a desire to see it awhile back, and it was only five bucks, so that's why I got that one.

Final notes: Today at the restaurant it was so busy that nobody got to leave until the night time shift got there, and even then everyone was there for about an hour getting everything caught up. I was finally excused at 5:00 because I was supposed to have been at the station at 4! With freshman orientation around the corner, everyone was in town for the "last supper" and, apparantly, everyone decided to come to our restaurant! At one point this afternoon, I thought, "I hate this restaurant." Let's just say if you want to know how I like my job, ask me tomorrow! I am still in my uniform right now; I didn't go home to change over the dinner break after the first newscast because I wanted to stay to make up the hour I lost while at the restaurant. And look what I'm doing! Clearly, it's a slow night at the TV station.

That's all for me today. Really.


Moving In and Moving On

I am "officially" moved in to my apartment now! (I still have a mess of boxes and other stuff in my closet to deal with, but the point's in the closet.) I even have my phone line working! Ryan called me yesterday, dialing my new number for the first time ever! I still have to get my internet set up in the new place, but I did move my computer and it is up and running, and now it really feels like home. I know, I'm such a nerd that I didn't feel at home until I could use my computer! Pictures to come, I promise!

No-Name Betta Fish is doing well; is it wrong of me to enjoy putting his bowl on top of a mirror sometimes to watch him fight with himself? I just love how big his fins get; they're like big streamers! Yesterday I stuck the end of a pen in the water just to mess with him, and his gills flared out. He didn't attack the pen, though. I haven't given him an official name. I call him Phin a lot, though, and I think he's getting used to it (she's craaaay-zeee....).

Ryan is going back to Glee Club and being a full-time student. I am so proud of him, especially because of the road he's taken to get to this point. I'm trying not to be too overbearing while still showing enthusiasm. I can hardly help it; I think it's a bad combination of me not going back to PMO this year and Ryan being on his way back in...if I'm not careful I'll be trying to live vicareously through him! And I don't want that to happen. I definitely want this to be his own experience. I'm so excited to go see his shows, though.

It's not really that weird that I'm not going back to school--I really like it! It is weird not going back to Purduettes. I still say "we" in reference to the Purduettes, which I'm sure won't wear off for a long time. Hey, I'm proud to be a part of that legacy. I'm not really sad about any of it, just happy to get to experience it a different way; visiting, going to shows, etc.

OK, time to make some TV. Pictures to come!

Friday, August 3, 2007


I went to buy a new fish, and I decided not to get another Black Moor because the tank my first fish had come from had 5 or 6 dead fish floating in it when I got there last night. I decided maybe...those fish are sick. I got a male betta this time because my sister has had pretty good luck with them, and so have others, and so I figured I would too. But just to be sure, I thought I would follow the instructions I found on the lid of the little bowl the fish came in. It said, "Feed sparingly once a day." Ok. So I went to get some betta fish food, and read the instructions on the back of the can, which said, "Feed several times a day."


Here is what I've realized about myself based on this experience, and others of a similar nature: I am a rules-follower. I figure I can't go wrong as long as I read and follow the instructions. But when I get multiple directions, I don't know which ones are the right ones, and I'm left on my own to decide for myself. What am I going to do when I'm a parent someday? I know I'll have advice and books that all say different things, plus the distinct probability that nothing will go the same way twice. I guess I just need to figure out how to sift for the important and most vital information.

I'm catching up on Pirate Master, and they have their first female captain! She is really smart, and it's funny that she's been sort of flying under the radar until this point, although I think everyone's noticed she's very capable the entire duration of the show. It's too bad this show has been taken off the air, but I'm glad I get to watch it online.

Ok, time to fold towels!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Wow, lots and lots of things going on since I've written. Mostly that I've moved to my first new place all to myself! I can't tell you how exciting and even a little scary it is. It's so much fun to have my own place to do whatever I want, but I also worry sometimes about where all the money is going to come from. I mean, I really looked into things to make sure I could afford them, but sometimes it's hard not to buy something I want for my apartment or for myself because I need to save that money for something more important. Just part of growing up!

Mom, Dad, and Marla are at the lake as of tonight, and this is the first year of my life that I won't be there with them. It's kind of weird, but I realized a year ago that this could very well be the case, so I was mentally and emotionally prepared for it. Right now I just literally can't afford taking a week off of work. Just another part of growing up!

It's weird that people are getting ready to come back to school and I'm not. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, and I love that! It's so exciting to not worry about homework, rehearsal or show call times, or classes. I'm so excited about visiting the Purduettes and going to some of their shows. It's just so great to be on a different schedule, one that I have a little more control over. I really miss the girls in Purduettes, though, and I will miss singing every day and having my voice in great shape. But I've gotten so much out of PMO, and I'm ready to be a part of PMO alumni.

Marla bought me a fish for my birthday, and I put it in a bowl, and about 24 hours later, it died. Pretty sad to flush a fish down the toilet when you haven't even had him long enough to think of a name for him. On the other hand, we weren't very attached to each other, so it wasn't as sad as it could've been. I'm going to get a new one, and this time get a tank that has a filter or pump or whatever, because I think the fish will have a better chance of living that way. I know this all might sound lame, but having someone to come home to, even if it's just a fish who doesn't remember what happened 60 seconds ago, is a comfort, and gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day.

I haven't had much time to be lonely though, because I'm usually working, and when I am home I'm working on putting the apartment together. It's already starting to look like my own cute little place. My bathroom is all finished, except for hanging pictures on the wall. It's so cute; it's blue and tangerine, and everything matches, from the shower curtain to the faux flowers and vase to the candle to the organizing rack. I always just kind of got everything in different colors and never had things matching up, like an entire room, but that's what I'm trying to do with my place now and it's working out really well. I just finished getting my bedroom organized, and it was pretty easy to match all that with a color scheme I like: pink, black, and white. I got a new pink comforter which is so perfect and cushy, and everything else I own that goes in my bedroom matches the color palette, so all I had to do was get it all organized. All I need to do there is hang up pictures and posters on the walls and maybe add a few more accessories. (And a full-length mirror! I haven't seen my whole body in a few days! That's weird!) Really the things that still do and will take the most time and work are the kitchen and the living room.

Before I go, some media highlights for anyone interested. Did I already tell you to go see "Hairspray?" If I have, I'll tell you again. The cast is amazing; not only is it stacked with stars who all play their parts to perfection, but the newcomer lead, Nikky Blonski, is such an amazing performer. She is adorable, and from the moment you see her as a lump under her bedcovers moving to the beat in her head, you are rooting for her. The soundtrack also stands alone as a great album. Right now I am catching up on Big Brother 8. Mindless entertainment? Yeah. Fun to watch? Uh...yeah!!! I am totally rooting for Dick and Daniele, estranged father and daughter stuck in the house together. I like both of them for some reason and I really hope they get their relationship to a true father-daughter relationship, and it looks like they're on the right track. I also have to say that Julie Chen has the biggest hair on television.

OK, time for me to go find a fishy tank and a fishy! Maybe I'll post pictures when I get my apartment finished. More later!