Sunday, March 29, 2009

someday upon a dream is a wish I could be part of your whole new world

OK, so this song really struck a chord with me today. And I'm sure most of it had to do with my listening to it during the 3.5 hours I collectively spent in the car driving in the rain.

But after listening to it a few times, I decided it was going to be my princess song. You know what I mean -- Snow White had "Someday My Prince Will Come," Sleeping Beauty had "Once Upon a Dream," Arial had "Part of Your World" get where I'm going with this, right?

And unlike most Disney princesses, who are actively seeking a prince, I am just sort of content to be alone now. But it's nice to think that somewhere out in the world is this guy who someday is going to be know. My guy.

(And if I were a Disney character, you know I'd be an owl, because I like to roll my eyes at twitterpation. Sometimes it's just too hard to even talk about it.)

But, ok, so I hear this song today and after listening to the words a few times, I was like...yeah. I like this. I like this idea that there's someone out there for me, somewhere, someday...(oh wait, that's another song), and if I'm just patient and wait for the right thing to come along at the right time, it'll happen.

Anyway, here it is. It's called "Raindrops" by Regina Spektor:

You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby.

I do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so

Round each corner there's a chance
People searching glance to glance
Moving bout real fast
Like insects and fish when they're scared
And they sing the same old song
Though it's been so very long
They sing, raindrops falling on my head
But that doesn't mean that i am dead

And i do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so

You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

out of the frying pan...

...and into the fire!

And I mean that in a good way.

So, at the closing of Children of Eden, the man directing Civic's next (and last) production of the season asked me to come in and read for one of the parts. Tonight I went in and did the reading with a couple of other people called in for some of the other parts. And the director liked what he saw and heard, so I'm on to the next show, which is very thrilling!

The play is Private Lives, and it's very funny. I will play the role of Amanda, a recently remarried woman who runs into her ex-husband while on honeymoon and decides to run off with him.

Oh, and everyone in the play is British, so I will be learning how to speak with an English accent.

That's just one reason I'm kind of scared out of my mind to do this show.

The other reason (and the main one) is that I've never done a straight play like this. The only non-musical production I was in was a play version of "The Nutcracker" at my high school when I was 13, and that had a large cast and a lot of dancing in it.

This cast is made up of five people. Almost every scene involves interacting with only one other character at a time. No singing or dancing to hide behind. And no escape from the critical eye of Mr. Dick Jaeger, whenever he happens to come watch the show and write up his review.


I think I'm going to learn a lot; I'm excited and intimidated, but I think it's going to be a great challenge for me. I've never really thought of myself as a good "actor," just a good "performer." So I guess we'll find out once and for all this time around, huh? And this is also the first truly "adult" role I've ever had. I think this is going to be a growing experience.

Anyway, that's it for now! There's a pizza in the oven with my name on it! Until later!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i want that.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially two car payments (and thus two months) away from getting one of these:

I want one so bad!!! And I've tried to be very patient and responsible about waiting until the time was right. And now that time is almost here and I'm so excited!

And oh yes, if I didn't already tell you, I've officially decided to get a pug. The more I research them, the more they seem like a good fit for me. Plus, look at that face! How can you resist? Oh, and they also come in black:

As you can see, both variations are very adorable. Plus, black and fawn both go with everything. (Not that I would think of my dog as an accessory...but I want us to look good together! Just sayin.)

So starting in May, the puppy hunt will begin in earnest. And I'll be sure to keep you updated all along the way!

Until later! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Not me, personally. Just the world in general. It's springtime...time for new beginnings, blossoming ideas, budding romances (again, not for me), and baby animals!

And a new look for the blog.

I'm still trying to get used to how...bright...this one is. But I'm trying to go for something a little more springtimey.

I promise to have a REAL blog post soon! Hope everyone's week is off to a good start!

Until later!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

seeking: jim halpert

One thing I love about being a single gal with no agenda for marriage is setting my dating standards very high on a few specific things (maybe solely for the sake of avoiding dating altogether...haha). Anyway, I thought it might be fun to make a list of these traits, however unrealistic they may seem:

1. You must have good hair. I know you can't control the way your hair grows out of your head, but I can't control the fact that I'm picky about hair. So if you've got weird cowlicks, bald patches, or you like to shave patterns into your scalp, you're not the guy for me.

2. Wanna go fishing? Good! Look, I grew up going to fishing workshops and learning how to put a worm on a hook. I spend every summer sitting for hours in a boat waiting for a scaly, dumb animal with short-term memory loss to bite so I can reel him in, slice him open, and eat him for supper. If you can't handle that, we're done here.

3. You must know more about cars than I do. I know some guys who can't check their own oil, much less change it. That's not to say I change my own oil, but I'm not paying some dude at Jiffy Lube to do something we should be able to do at home in the garage. Side note: I'd love to restore a vintage car someday, even though I have no knowledge of how to do this. So I'm depending on you to be able to teach me or at least learn together.

4. You MUST NOT make me watch scary movies, or movies with excessive violence. If you care about me AT ALL, you will know that to do such a thing would be mental and emotional torture for someone like me. I don't care if it's a "classic." I don't need to see it.

5. You will be expected to take me to the ballet on occasion. Not all the time, just maybe once a year to see The Nutcracker. Do you hate this as much as I hate scary movies? Maybe. Will watching a ballet make you afraid to go to sleep because of the terrible dreams you know you're going to have that night? I highly doubt it. Dudes in tights are not that scary.

6. You will also be expected to go see plays and musicals with me. Hopefully, you will actually enjoy the theatre, so this won't be a problem. But even if it's not really your thing, guess what. It's MY thing. And we're going. In return, I promise to become the biggest, most dedicated fan, spectator, and cute apparel-wearer of whatever professional sports team you worship most. I have no serious loyalties to any pro basketball, football, or especially baseball teams, so I will willingly adopt your preferences in those areas.

7. You must not ever tell me you wish I had different color hair, skin, eyes, longer legs, smaller boobs, sharper sense of smell, better comedic timing, or otherwise wish to alter any trait about me that I cannot control. As you will notice in article one, if there is something physical you will not tolerate about a person, you should just cut 'em loose from the get-go. Don't get into this and then decide you want to make changes that can't (or won't) be made.

8. You must enjoy philosophical debates about stupid stuff. I don't like to argue about politics, religion, or ethics. But I will pick a fight about whether or not Princess Bride is a chick flick. And if that happens, you have to indulge me without getting too serious about it and actually getting mad.

9. You need to be honest about your singing abilities. If you're an amazing singer, please admit it gracefully. Don't make me reassure you every second of the day that you can sing. If you're decent, don't talk about your voice like you're the next Frank Sinatra or something, because you're not and you'll embarrass me. If you can't sing, don't be scared; just fess up and I won't make you do karaoke with me. I will like you more if you're a bad singer and admit it than if you think you're a really good singer and you're not.

10. You must be able to dress, but you should not look cuter than me. This is kind of like the singing thing; if you need help picking stuff out, just tell me and I'll help you. If you're good at putting it together and you want to help me out, fine! But don't get competitive about it and try to look more awesome than me. That's not what this is about. Besides, you should want to show me off, not show yourself off.

11. You must be creative about gift-giving. I'm not about bouqets of roses, piles of jewelry, fancy restaurants, or other stereotypically "romantic" gestures. Remember, you're talking to a girl who wants you to sit with her in an aluminum boat and shove dirty worms onto metal hooks for endless hours. You're also talking to a girl who likes ballets, musicals, and other forms of live entertainment. I'm not asking for extravagance, I'm asking for originality and, most of all, sincerity. Just put some thought, humor, and personality into it and I'll be happy.

12. Just be willing to do anything and everything to make me happy. Even if that means letting me win, swallowing your pride, and picking your battles from time to time. I promise I'll do the same for you.

OK, that's my list. What do you I asking too much? :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I chose this over doing dishes

I'm having trouble getting motivated to do anything much today…so I decided to try filling out this list that I got from La Di Dah's blog. If you actually read the whole thing, you probably have a lot of patience...or a lot of time to kill. Or maybe you're at work procrastinating, in which're welcome.

10 WHAT'S:

1 What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up?
Did I miss something?!!! (I normally tend to wake up in a panic. I don't know why that is.)

2 What did you do last night?
I had my first dining experience at Noodles & Co. (yummmm) with David and Sara, followed by some amazing gelato and a walk around a conveniently empty campus (it's spring break week). Then I had a decent night at work.

3 What is the most important part of your life?
My faith and my family. I think it's taken a lot of growing up for me to realize just how important those things are.

4 What would you rather be doing right now?
With the warmer weather we've had lately, I'm starting to pine for the lake in August!

5 What did you last cry over?
I last cried at the end of "Children of Eden"…I can't help it. It happens every time! It starts when we sing, "And if someday we hear a voice/if He should speak again, our silent Father/all He will tell us in the choice is in our hands…" Then when Jeff (who plays Father) sings, "There is no journey gone so far/so far we cannot stop and change direction…" it gets harder to hold back the tears. Then when I see an old lady sobbing in the front row by the end of the song, I just can't handle it. The tears start falling, and next thing you know, I've got tear stains all over my costume.

6 What always makes you feel better when you're upset?
Talking to my mom and/or a good, big, comfortable hug.

7 What's the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
Well, right now I would say someone who shares common interests and a similar sense of humor and is super-low-maintenance, but that's just because I don't currently want a "real" relationship. When I'm looking for the Real Thing, I'd say someone who really loves me for exactly who I am, respects where I come from, and doesn't want to change me.

8 What are you worried about? in general. Mostly worried about when will be the right time to go get a job elsewhere.

9 What are you looking forward to most in this week?
I'm looking forward to another (hopefully) sold out weekend of shows, especially since this is the last weekend! It's been a great experience.

10 What are you thinking about right now?
I'm trying to motivate myself to do dishes, put away laundry, and work out.


1 Have you ever won anything?
Haha...I don't think so. I don't tend to be a "winner" in the sense that stuff! But I did win the Spirit Award in the Miss Purdue pageant my senior year of college, which was pretty cool. Only I actually tied with another girl, and she got the plaque. Go figure. Oh! And when I went to Girls State I got chosen to go to Girls Nation, but I couldn't go so the first runner-up got to go...but I still got to keep THAT plaque. Haha.

2 Have you ever had a broken heart?
Yes, but it was a learning experience and made me a stronger person.

3 Have you ever been out of the country?
I've been to Mexico and Canada. Lame, I know, that I haven't ever been across the pond, but I'll get there.

4 Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Oh, you betcha. Here's an example.

5 Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
Sure. But who hasn't?

6 Have you ever had the cops called on you?

7 Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
Yes, once, but it didn't work out and I will probably stick to guys my age or older from now on. Until I get to the point when I can be legally considered a cougar...

9 Have you ever sung to someone personally?
Oh yes, several times. In Purduettes we had these songs called "run-outs" where we all charged off the stage and ran into the aisles to find an old guy to sing to, then at the end we had to kiss them on the cheek and leave a big ol' red lipstick print. Some of those guys played dirty and did the "turn at the last second and plant one on the lips" move...sneaky, sneaky. But when Dad was in the audience, I'd try to get out and sing to him, which was always really special.


1 When was your last shower?
Last night, before dinner.

2 When did you last see your mom?
Friday. I met up with Mom and Dad after getting done with the show to see a friend play with his band downtown.

3 When was your last time you saw your dad?
Same as my mom! He bought me food and beers!

4 When did you last dress up?
I guess yesterday. It was so nice and warm and sunny, I just had to pull out a springtime-y dress!

5 When was the last time you cried?
We already discussed that!

6 When did you last go to the movies and with who?
I think the last movie I went to was Confessions of a Shopaholic with my little sister.

7 When did you last listen to music?
Um…right now?


1 Where does your best friend live?
My best friend from home lives in Indianapolis where she's in med school. My best friends from college are both teaching English in Indiana high schools, one of them right here in town! And my two sisters live in Florida (teaching and getting a grad degree) and here in town (finishing up her bachelor's and then starting vet tech in the summer.)

2 Where did you last go?
I last went…to work.

3 Where did you last hang out?
Around campus, I guess!

4 Where do you go to school?
NOWHERE!!! I'm so happy to be done with school, possibly forever! But I got my BA at Purdue.

5 Where is your favorite place to be?
Of all places in the world, my favorite place to be is the lake.

6 Where did you sleep last night?
I didn't sleep last night; I was working. A-thank you.


1 Do you like someone right now?
You mean like a crush? No. Unless you count the following list of movie/TV stars: James Marsden, John Krasinski, Jason Bateman, James Franco, and Bill Hader.

2 Do they like you too?
I don't think they know I'm a person, so no.

3 Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Yes. Sometimes I wish I were Tina Fey. And other times I wish I were Amy Poehler. But the rest of the time, I'm just so happy to be me!

4 Do you know the muffin man?
Yes! He comes in for occasional appearances on our morning show.

5 Does the future scare you?
Yes, but in the same way a roller coaster scares me. I actually love not having everything (or much of anything) planned out in my life!


1 Why are you best friends with your best friends?
Lauren (from home): I don't know…we just clicked in 3rd grade, and we've had the kind of friendship that lasts over any distance. We never have to play catch-up; we can always just pick up where we left off.

Katy and Beth (from college): These girls were my first and fastest friends at Purdue. We have been through so many growing experiences, and our friendships have been tested so much that I know these are the girls who are always going to be there for me.

Michelle and Marla (sisters): What can I say? Michelle has known me my whole life, and I've known Marla since I was two. We lived together for years and years, shared and fought over toys, clothes, friends, and cars…and we love each other unconditionally through it all!

2 Why did you start your blog?
I started it when I was getting ready to graduate college because I felt very small and alone in the world and hoped that there were other people out there who felt the same way I did about this weird, exciting twenty-something time of life. And I mostly hoped that if those people were out there, it would help them to know someone else (me) was experiencing the same stuff.

3 Why did your parents give you the name you have?
They say they just liked it. The weird thing is, I'm the only person in my family without an "M" name. And that's just the beginning of my "black sheep" status in this family lol...

4 Why are you doing this survey?
See the paragraph at the beginning of this post.


1 If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I always wanted to be like Matilda and have the power to move things with my mind. Ohhh, Roald Dahl!

2 If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
I would change the way I wore my hair in junior high.

3 If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one thing what would it be?
Physician's Desk Reference. Hollowed Out. (Dwight Schrute, anyone? Anyone?) No, actually I think it would be a hatchet. Because that's what I learned from junior high literature.


1 Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you?

2 Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?
To save their life? Sure! It's just hair; it grows back.


1 What would it be?
True love. Like the Princess Bride.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

material girl

I know, I know, probably not the best topic for a post during Lent, but...what can I say?

Yesterday was definitely a "me" day. And I loved it! I had a hair appointment at nine, so with an hour to kill between getting off work and going to the salon, I got an English Toffee cappucino from the nearest Circle K and then scooted into Walmart to see if there was a new issue of Lucky for me to pick up and read while getting my hair done. There was a new issue, and I was halfway to the register when a couple other magazine covers caught my eye.

This was the first one:

You'll notice that among some of Judd Apatow's favorite funny men stands the lovely Paul Rudd...reason enough for buying this issue. But on the inside was a photo spread of several up-and-coming comedians reinacting famous movie icons. An updated "Honeymooners" photo with Bill Hader and Jason Bateman made me mad (once again) these two guys are married...and...famous. Flip a couple pages and you have the cutest couple in comedy: Amy Poehler and Will Arnett. And there's a lot of other great stuff in there too; I'm just mentioning my favorite people.

Then I saw something that nearly made me squeal in the middle of the store:

My girl Ashley Tisdale on the cover of Cosmo.

Now, if you've read some of my other posts, you'll recall that the whole reason I read Lucky is to avoid the stuff typically found in magazines like Cosmo...the 150 sex positions you can do in the ocean, the 20 most embarrassing moments in the history of love-making (I swear they make that stuff up), and the 10 most manipulative mind games you can play on your boyfriend. I just want to look at fashion spreads and get good ideas for shopping...and maybe read some fun facts about an actress I sort of recognize. But just because Ashley Tisdale was on the cover, I decided to trade in my Lucky for a copy of Cosmo, a magazine I honestly doubted I'd ever see this squeaky-clean girl on the cover of.

And of course, right next to her face is the word "SEX" and under Ashley's name is the magazine's claim that she's "blowing off her good-girl image." Well, when you read her interview, you can tell the gals at Cosmo had to really try to spice this one up. When you take out the fancy magazine lingo, what you really find out is that Ashley is a very centered 23-year-old person who's addicted to Coffee Bean and lives four doors down from her mom and dad, and keeps her relationship with her boyfriend on the DL because she doesn't want her life sprayed all over the tabloids. She stays out of trouble by multi-tasking in TV, film, music, and executive producing, and the craziest thing she's ever done with a guy is tell him she liked him without knowing whether he liked her.

Kinda boring, right? Do you see why I like this girl?

Alright, moving on. So I also splurged over the weekend on something I've been eyeing for awhile:

Something about the entire Soap & Glory product line is just so appealing...I love the retro look of the packaging, as well as the exclamatory promises printed on the containers! I love the nod back to that era when advertisers depended on consumers to believe everything put into print. But of course the best part is that all of the products have such clever and hilarious names. And I don't know if this lip pucker really works the way it says on the box, but it does make your lips tingle for about an hour, which makes me think something is working! I've also noticed it lasts a long time and my lips don't chap after I've been wearing it. So if you don't have any already, go on out and get yourself some sexy motherpucker! :)

OK, that's it for me. Time for bed; if all goes well, I might get to spend time this evening with two of the coolest people I've met since graduating college!

Have a fabulous day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cheered Up

There was this one time during my sophomore year at college when I got really bummed out about something...I think it was because someone was being mean or had said something about me that wasn't nice, or something like that.

And I was sitting there all bummed out when I got a call from some my best pals...Katy, Iz, and Greg...and they whisked me away to the guys' apartment for a game of Cranium. We had an awesome night and laughed so hard, and I just kept thinking how lucky I was to have such great friends.

And what's so awesome about that memory is, I don't even remember what happened that created the need for my being cheered up in the first place. I just remember the fun night that followed and the wonderful memory of having buddies that would be so great and go to the effort to cheer me up!

I think as you get older, you appreciate your friendships so much more, because they become a little more rare and special once you're out of school. I'm so thankful for all of the friends I have, new and old, near and far away! Just thinking about them cheers me up! :)

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Team Melissa lives to cheer another day!

All of us on Team Melissa have a new place to cheer!

Due to a last-minute injury to one of the celebrity contestants on Dancing with the Stars, ABC has filled the gap with...who else...our favorite spurned bachelorette Melissa!

I'm sure this was a HUGE peace offering from ABC (not to mention the fact that they got to show that embarrassing dump reel a few more times) and although I can see how there may be some exploitation involved, I'm just glad we get to see more of Melissa!

She got two days to train and rehearse for the first competition, and she pulled off a gorgeous waltz to "Moon River" that made the most of her ballet training and cheerleader agility, with plenty of perfectly executed developpes, port de bras, and attitude pirouettes. I even cried a little at the end of the dance when she broke into a huge smile and her partner, Tony Dovolani, kissed her on the forehead! Why have I not been watching this show??!!!

I'm sure it'll be nice for her to get some objective critique and fan support from week to week instead of wondering if she's going to get a rose/engagement ring. I hope she makes it past the first round of votes! Go Team Melissa!!!

somewhere in a parallel universe...

...I'm sure I'm hispanic. That's why in this universe I sometimes get undeniable cravings for salsa music and spicy food and wish I had a beautiful dark complexion.

I think I would've fit right in during the 1930s and 40s. The early to mid-60s might have been a good time for me, too.

I need to go to Chicago more often. Like, on a regular basis. It's three hours away, and yet the last time I went was my sophomore year of college to see Wicked. Now I have a wonderful reason to visit...I have a friend out there doing improv and, oh yeah, did I mention it's THREE HOURS AWAY?! I need to get on that.

I would really like to go to Disney World and Disneyland. Anyone want to go? Cuz I'm pretty sure I can score a couple of free passes. Please have a game plan ready, because I have never been there and I am depending on you to show me all the best stuff. Keep in mind that I have the same interests as a 12-year-old when it comes to entertainment.

I've realized recently that I have terrifying, bad, troubling, or weird dreams more often than I have good ones. Is that because my life is so good that my dreams feel a need to balance things out, or do I just have a sick subconscious?

I wonder if I'll ever actually get married. I feel like it's one of those things we all assume will happen to us. But there's never any guarantee.

I wonder how old I'm going to have to be to actually feel like an adult. I kind of hope I never find out.

I think it would be really funny if someday I have kids that look like carbon copies of me, because I don't look like anyone else in my family.

Do you remember looking in the mirror when you were little and wondering what you'd look like when you grew up? Sometimes I catch myself doing that now, and then I think, "Oh! I guess this is it!"

I love the sound of rain. It makes me happy.

I wonder what my life will amount to by the time I've finished it.

What if we had local paparazzi? Who would be on the cover of the magazines every week, and would I ever end up on one of those "Who Wore It Best" pages?

If I ever have a disgusting amount of money, I will spend part of it on having someone on call to give me massages.

I wish I had a soundtrack to my life that everyone else around me could hear.

I need to figure out what I did with all my Brad Paisley CDs.

I need to get back to work.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

fire up the grill, get out the mustard, and put on your boots!

I'm ba-aaack!

OK, so this is the first REAL blog post I've had time to post in a while. And I know all the drama has been discussed all week, but I'm gonna go ahead and give you my personal reflections on the Bachelor's final two episodes.

*Melissa gets her "meet Ty" date with Jason and the little munchkin. Mel and Ty are VERY cute together. Thanks to her impressive stockpile of silly jokes, Ty takes to Melissa like a fish to water.

*Melissa seems to get what being a step-mom will be about: it's not about babysitting.

*Mel meets the parents, brothers, and sister, who all give her a really hard time about the fact that her parents wouldn't meet Jason on the show. And Jason doesn't do anything to try to make this easier for her; instead he says his favorite phrase: "It really sucked that I didn't get to meet Melissa's parents." Honestly, though, I get it. There's no way I could get engaged without my parents first meeting my intended. But there's also no way I could get engaged on a reality show.

*Did anyone notice how at dinner, Jason's family and Melissa all were seated on one side of the table...just like in a play! Or the "Last Supper!" I'm sure it was for the cameras, but it looked super-awkward.

*Ty loves Melissa.

*Dad loves Melissa.

*Now it's Molly's turn. She shows up with her usual raccoon make-up on. I don't dislike her, it's just that I'm on Team Melissa, and I think Molly needs to get a new look between the eyeshadow and ponytails.

*Ty hates Molly.

*Molly goes to meet the family; we can tell she's gonna hit it out of the park, especially with all this parent talk...her parents love Jason, Jason loved her parents. Jason's family is just drooling hearing about all this parental interaction.

*Does anyone else think Jason's sister looks like Claire Danes as Beth in Little Women? Why don't I have that movie on DVD?

*Jason has a heart-to-heart with Mom. He sounds infatuated with Molly. "Momma, what should I dooooo?" Mom tells Jason that marriage is "not always a bed of roses." Then she throws a wink to the on-scene producer as if to say, "You're welcome, ABC. That one's on the house."

*I feel like Jason's siblings are trying to talk him into picking Molly. Jason, stop talking to them and leave!

*Meanwhile, back at the ranch...or...New Zealand resort...Melissa calls her folks and asks if they'd be willing to talk to Jason on the phone and they agree.

*Mel's last date with Jason. She hops out of the car and slams the door with a cute little expression on her face that says, "Dammit I'm cute!" I love it.

*Melissa and Jason enjoy a wet n' wild cruise on a boat named "Cool Change" which I think is a shout-out to Little River Band.

*Now it's Molly's turn, and she's taking charge! Only her umbrella keeps turning inside out and ruining her plan to paint a picture for Jason of how good she would look in rainy Seattle.

*Umbrella hates Molly.

*Molly reveals to Jason her plan to take over the date. "Because I'm a winner," she says, just like Anna Sophia Robb's Violet in Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.

*Molly gets in her bikini and gives Jason a "sensual massage" (please read this out loud in your best Austin Powers voice, because that's how I'm saying it). I had to cover my eyes AND the screen here. I could not watch it.

*But wait, there's more! Molly makes stir-fry and then sits down with Jason to show him something she made for him...A SCRAPBOOK!!! This girl did her homework and knows that Jason loves crafting, especially for last dates before the final rose ceremony. She points out a very special scrap of paper: "This is the actual piece of paper I wrote my song on." Then in her head she finishes this sentence: "So we can sell that on E-Bay and set up a trust fund for Ty."

*Jason is now all alone in his deliberation suite. And uh-oh, there's a knock on the door. It's DEANNA!!! Poor, poor Jason. He is so confused and clearly uncomfortable when she demands a hug out of him. Deanna mentions that she feels more comfortable around Jason than she does around any other man she knows. Really? Because I'm pretty sure you two haven't been talking.

*Deanna first attempts to ask for another chance with Jason without appearing to be begging. And Jason has to swallow very hard to keep from laughing in her face.

*OK, so no more chances at stealing the show and a little more publicity. No matter. Deanna switches games and instead plays the role of the Ghost of Girlfriends Past, telling Jason to choose the safe person, not the wild card. Because she chose the wild card, and pissed off her parents, and then got bored, realized she hated snow and snowboarding, as well as Jesse's Quiksilver wardrobe.

*After Deanna leaves, the jeweler shows up to show Jason some sparkly rings. I always love this part of the show because it's kind of our final reminder of how ridiculous the concept of this show is: "Here is your very beautiful but limited selection of choices. You can't go outside and go looking on your own; you can only choose from what we've picked out and brought here for you. And whatever you end up choosing, you're expected to stick with for the rest of your life." Right? Every time we get to this part of the show, I'm like, "well that's not fair! He should get to go ring shopping on his own and pick something he really likes instead of having to pick from the handful of rings ABC picked out for him. Ohhhhh wait..."

*Molly arrives first to be proposed to. I always wonder if the limo drivers are rooting for a certain girl. Do you think they pick favorites? Place bets? Is Molly aware of any other way to wear her hair other than in a ponytail?!!!

*Molly keeps whispering to everyone. Is that what she does when she's nervous?

*Jason keeps saying "amazing." I think we know what that means...she's getting dumped.

*Jason delivers what I am convinced is a required ABC-mandated line: "I'm in love with someone else." Why do they always say that?! Everyone knows who "someone else" is!!!

*Molly tries to remember what Dad said ("no crying") and chokes 'em back while telling Jason she thinks he's making a mistake. The words that will go down in infamy in his mind.

*This goodbye is way too long. Keep this up, Jason, and you're gonna make her think you've changed your mind, or that you're punking her.

*After putting Molly in the car, Jason has an emotional breakdown. Ohp! Here's that famous balcony scene!

*Melissa shows up, and I think she looks like she's expecting to get dumped. She's already got a stiff upper lip. Poor girl.

*When she sees Jason, Mel does her signature jump n' hug, and almost does her signature move of wrapping her legs around him, but then remembers she's in a formal dress.

*When Jason proposes, I LOVE it that she turns around and screams! This girl has managed to stay very genuine in front of all the cameras. Then she gets down on her knees to join Jason and says, "You wanna marry me?!" Aww...what a beautiful happy ending! Now let's stay tuned to see how ABC ruins it.

*Final footage is of Melissa and Jason playing with Ty and jumping in to the pool with all their nice clothes on. A beautiful little family. But I realize there's another whole hour of "after the rose" drama coming up. I feel like I'm about to have my soul crushed.

*Ok, this "After the Rose" happened six weeks after the proposal, to put things in perspective. So they've been "together" for a month and a half...which is almost as long as they've known each other. And most of that time, they don't get to see each other, because they have to keep the relationship a secret. know, just to put things in terms of reality here.

*Jason looks BAD. He tells Chris Harrison that he's still in love with Molly. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

*Chris tries his hardest to convince us to stay on Jason's side with this. But it's not happening for Team Melissa. We're all thinking right now that Jason is a chump.

*Melissa comes out and I think it looks like she knows this isn't going to be good. She's been dumped a few times before, if you remember. When he tells her he feels like things are different with them and that he's still in love with Molly, she said what we're all thinking: "You're such a bastard."

*What did they GIVE Jason before he came out here? He's so uncharacteristically calm and void of emotion. Sedagive, anyone?!!

*Mel gives back the ring and storms off of the set. The cameras stay on Jason, who we can tell is trying very hard to squeeze out some tears, but he can't. The guy who cries through most of his entire season can't muster up a damn tear for this. He obviously doesn't care. And that makes me glad he dumped her now instead of later.

*And now, here comes No-Tears Molly! She looks like she's adjusted pretty well to life after the Bachelor. Apparently she's also been introduced to headbands. No ponytail today!

*Chris is really trying to set this up, asking Molly if she wishes Jason would change his mind and take her back. She has to know something is going on. Do they give these folks a reason why there's no audience? That has to at least tip them off that this isn't a typical "After the Rose" taping.

*Jason declares his love for Molly, seemingly minutes after dumping his former fiancee, Melissa. And after a couple obligatory phrases like "we still need to talk some things out," Molly starts sucking face with Jason, happy that she's the winner. And most of us are pissed. But here's the thing -- if this were a movie, and the guy broke up with his fiancee whom he didn't love and immediately went to find the true girl of his dreams and they kissed right then and there, we'd all be cheering. But when you try to put that in the context of real life, it just looks trashy. Also, I'm sure that in the movie, we would all kind of hate the fiancee, which would justify in our minds the "true love's kiss" at the end of the show. But you can't hate Melissa. It's just not possible.

*I don't feel like there's much to talk about in the Tuesday night special episode. Melissa is doing fine on her own, Molly and Jason are happy together, Stephanie agrees with what Jason did, Naomi is mad at Jason for hurting her girl Mel, and Kari is apparently one of our favorite bachelorettes of this season? The REAL news is that Chris Harrison announces who the next season's Bachelorette is, and we all cheer and applaud when we find out it's Jillian!!! She comes out on stage and talks about it a little bit, and looks very classy, and we all smile in anticipation of watching her sort out the mustards from the ketchups and sauerkrauts starting in May! We also all vow to wear boots with everything in support of our new favorite Bachelorette...wait, we didn't all decide on that? OK, nevermind.

OK, that's it! In other news, Children of Eden is off to a great start, and tonight my parents are coming and so it the local play critic who will write our review in the local paper. That makes me a little nervous, although the nice thing this time is that I don't have a main role so I don't think I have to worry about being personally picked on in the review...mostly I just want the show, our director, and the very sweet and talented leading ladies and gentlemen to get a good review tonight.

I'll let you know how it turns out! Until then!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

ready for an audience

I realize my posts have been unusually brief or just plain non-existant. The reason for this is a show I'm in called "Children of Eden," which opens to the paying public tomorrow night! Tonight is our preview show, which means we'll have a "pay as you can" audience, and some family and friends we gave free tickets to.

I have to say this show took a lot of hard work to pull together, but now that it's ready, I'm very excited to have an audience! And the other day I found a song that just made me laugh thinking about opening the show, so I thought I'd put it on here for your listening pleasure. It's from a Sondheim show called "The Frogs" and it's the introduction to the show, during which the two main characters remind their audience of proper theatre-viewing etiquette.

So here ya go:

I promise to do a REAL post soon; next week we won't have rehearsals every night so I'll have more time to putter around and catch up on this stuff.

Until then!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Uh...what the WHAT?!!

I was going to go through and give my thoughts on everything...but now I just feel like, what's the point?

Maybe I'll do it later. Holy moley. Right now I am shock. Even though I think we all knew it was coming.

Please make sure to check out my favorite recaps to see what they have to say. Especially Chris Harrion's blog. I think we're all gonna want to hear what he has to say.

OK, until later!