Saturday, July 26, 2008

Reality, Reviews, and Randomness

I haven't posted anything lately, and I don't really have anything in particular that I wanted to blog about, so this is gonna be pretty random.

Firstly, let's do a little reality recap.

The Bachelorette
I know, right??? That was over so long ago, but I need to dish about it one last time! I had a feeling DeAnna would pick Jesse just because she always seems to do what we wouldn't expect her to. And I think it's funny that she keeps saying how important her family is to her, because I'm pretty sure she picked the guy her family liked least out of the final two. I mean, Papa Pappas didn't exactly look brimming over with joy when they announced their wedding plans on national network television. It will be interesting to see what happens.

And of course the part of the special "Where Are They Now" episode that made my jaw drop was the very, very end of the show, where we see good ol' Brad Womack (who DeAnna seems to have forgiven because now she realizes there is no way you can go on this show and NOT make someone feel they have been led on) sitting in a recliner in what I guess is supposed to be his bach pad, eating a sandwich and watching TV. Cut to an over-the-shoulder shot of what's on the TV (a teeny little flatscreen--we know Brad's REAL bach pad would have one much bigger), and it's DeAnna, self-proclaimed happiest woman in the world, getting engaged and having all her dreams come true. Cut to commercial. WHAAAAAAT. How would they ever get Brad, who they've been bashing all season, to agree to shooting that? Well, I found out that they didn't. This article explains where the sandwich-eating footage came from and how it was originally supposed to be used. Annnnd that's why they make you sign your life away to be one one of these shows. So they can humiliate you later, and you can't do a thing about it.

Legally Blonde: The Search for Elle Woods
I think in our heart of hearts, we all knew from the beginning that Southern belle Bailey would nab the role of Elle by the end of the show. And I really, really feel for Autumn; how much does it suck to be told by the director of a Broadway show that you have the best voice of anyone in the entire competition, and then NOT get cast? I guess that's why that industry is so tough. Just having a kick-ass voice isn't enough to get you a show. But the cool part is how awesome it must have been to perform three Broadway numbers on a Broadway stage for your family. Whether you end up winning or not, that's still awesome. Although it would be much more awesome if you won so Mom and Dad could see you do the whole show.

And Bailey debuted this week! If you visit the show's site, you can see a video of her recording "So Much Better," which is now available on iTunes. And typical of Bailey, the song sounds a little too perfect. But I mean, she's good. I can't hold a note as long as she does at the end of that song, that's for sure! I just think when Bailey talks she has this sort of animated Disney princess quality that's a little less believable than Laura Bell Bundy's quick, quippy raspiness (which I didn't particularly like either...I guess I just wish they could put Reese Witherspoon onstage instead; I'm just a die-hard for the movie version). I'm trying to find a review of Bailey's first performance, but I haven't had any luck.

Speaking of reviews...

We got one for HSM in the Journal and Courier. I guess it was good considering who wrote it--apparently the guy has it in for our director and our Miss Darbus, and both of them knew that--but luckily Cody, Issa, and I were described as "notable" performers, and the rest of the young cast was spared from any of Mr. Jaeger's snarky remarks. I've never been reviewed for doing a show before; it was kinda weird. But I think the important thing is that no one really cares what's in the review; they care more about what friends, family, and respected theatre patrons have to say. And all of THEIR reviews were pretty good. I know the 12-and-under crowd was happy with it anyway!

What else is new? Oh! I am helping a friend of mine who coaches the Twin Lakes color guard. He needed a "movement technition"...basically someone to help teach the girls better dance technique, and asked me if I'd do it. Now, I have never been in color guard, so I know I am going to learn a LOT. So far the girls are doing great; they have been working really hard and picking things up quickly. But I'm sure after a couple of weeks my novelty will wear off and they will stop liking I just remember that you always liked a new coach or director for like a week and then you stopped thinking they were fun. So I'm just kind of waiting for that to happen! They call me "Miss Stanforth," which is really weird but I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Meanwhile, I'm just worried about whether I'm teaching them the right things in the right way. I've just never really coached anything, and I like it, but I just worry about doing a good job. I am, however, totally excited to get to go watch them at football games and competitions! In high school I had a lot of friends who were in marching band and I was always fascinated about how they got everyone to move into those formations and everything, so I'm stoked to get to see it from the other side.

Lastly, people are leaving!!! :(

My on-stage brother (he played Ryan to my Sharpay) is now gone. He's doing a grad school/dorm director program in Illinois and he left Tuesday. We really bonded and I do actually feel like he's my brother, and I miss him a metric ton. And the weirdest part is, I don't talk to him every day now, and so I feel like it's been ages since we've spoken! I did get to talk to him Wednesday night and I was already going "It's so good to hear your voice!" Geez, I sound like my parents! But I am sure he is super-busy getting ready for the school year to start and for all of the undergrads to get there! Everyone else from the HSM group is still in town, but now we're all leaving on vacations, so we're not doing the "big group" activities so much anymore. In a way, though, it's nice because I'm getting more one-on-one time with people and getting to know them better, which is very awesome. I think we're going to try for one more big group day/night before the rest of the kids head off to IU and Butler and wherever else. And then, I know the Purdue kids will still be in town, but I also know their schedules will fill up, and they'll get back in the swing of things with their college friends and roommates, and I won't see them as much, so I'm trying to treasure moments with them now too. Although, it sounds like we will all see each other at tailgates on game days, which will be SO much fun! So that will be good. Also, one of my friends from the station is leaving for a new job in Oklahoma, and although I know it's going to be great for her, I am bummed that she won't be around anymore. The thing that stinks about TV is that people come and go very quickly. Thank God for Facebook!!!

Well, this is getting longer and longer, so I guess I'll just stop here before I think of something else to talk about!

Until later!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

i could do this forever...

I am about to run off to Broadway.

Not really. But it amazes me how much joy you can get out of doing something. And I get SO much joy out of performing!

We opened "High School Musical" last weekend, and we had two really good shows. And I think this is the coolest thing I've ever done...maybe even cooler than Christmas Show. And that, for me, is saying a lot.

It's just the best of everything. My favorite play I've ever been in. My favorite role I've ever played. Cute costumes. An awesome set. Huge depth of talent in the cast. Super-nice, amazing people who have become great friends. Fun, challenging choreography. Super-fun music. Fireworks! And a built-in fan base of kids from 4 to 14 who go absolutely nuts over anything HSM-related.

I haven't gotten to do any real performing in about a year, so I just felt absolutely spoiled performing in front of a full house Friday night! There is something about hearing the applause, the laughs, and feeling the electricity surging between the house and the stage that I absolutely love. And when the lights went down on our last note Friday night, I watched the fireworks popping overhead and heard the cheering audience, and it just washed through me and overwhelmed me, and I got tears in my eyes. I missed this. Then Caitlin grabbed my hand and ran up the hill with me from the backstage area to the front entrance to the house. Ryan checked to make sure I had an autograph pen, which I had but felt a little presumptuous holding on my way up to meet the audience. Out of nowhere, Adrienne appeared next to me and shoved a mint in my mouth. These guys are pros, I thought. And then there were people everywhere. People I knew...Kels, Isaac, the Hainje girls, people's parents.

And then there were kids. Everywhere. All around, holding up their programs for me to sign! Some of them grabbed my hand, eager to shake it, and some were so shy they could barely muster up the gumption to look at me. There were parents encouraging their kids to be patient while I tried to sign every piece of paper thrust anxiously in front of me. They wanted hugs. They wanted pictures. They wanted their HSM t-shirts signed. They wanted to talk to me. They wanted to hide behind their moms. It. Was. Awesome.

I think that was what really made it special for me...those kids were sooo excited about that show, and so beside themselves with enthusiasm, that it made me feel so good to have been a part of something that they were so excited about! And the parents were so appreciative. I can imagine long weeks for some parents with kids counting down the days until HSM, buying tickets and t-shirts, and probably hoping the excitement would die down at some point so they could get the kids to go to sleep that night. You could tell it meant a lot to them for us to meet their kids and spend a few moments with them. I can't imagine what it's like for people who do this sort of thing every day. I'm sure it gets tiring, but at the same time, what an incredible phenomenon to be able to make a kid happy just by saying hello or signing a book or a piece of paper. That meant more than all the applause, definitely, definitely.

And this weekend we get to do it again!

I feel like I could do this every weekend forever; it's just that much fun. I know that after this weekend, my life will be back to normal. I will be the girl sitting at the computer all night and behind the cameras all morning; the girl that no one sees, hears, or knows about. The person pulling and pushing invisible strings and buttons to put a show on the air. The girl no one recognizes in public. But that's ok! I am so happy to have had a little part in people's lives for just one evening...and hopefully to have made some kid's day by talking to them and sending them home with a picture and a piece of paper with a pink signature on it.

Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

let's get this show on the road...

So, I have been super busy with HSM rehearsals and hanging out with the cast...the coolest people ever! Leaving little time for me to update my blog. I realize I missed recapping last week's episodes of "The Search for Elle Woods" and "The Bachelorette." AND I realize that we all just finished watching those two shows for the week. AND that it was the 3-hour finale of the Bachelorette and...OH MY GOSH!!!

But guess what...I don't have time to blog about it.

I'm just going to say really quick that I am SOOO excited about opening the show this weekend; I'm just praying that we won't get rained out! Tonight we had to finish our rehearsal in the shelter area of the theatre, because it stormed. So I didn't get to run all of my costume changes, which always makes me worry a little bit. But the hardest and quickest change I did get a chance to do, and it went really well...There is one more rather big change I haven't done yet, but I think it will be fine. Hopefully tomorrow night we will get the chance to get all the way through the show, since Thursday is preview night! I am so, so ready to get this show in front of an's just always so exciting to have people out there to feed energy off of and to have laughter and applause...hopefully we will get a lot of both (in the right spots)!

I also want to say that I THANK GOD so much for all the people who have become a part of my life through this show. I have made some great friendships with some wonderful people this summer and I am just so thankful and BLESSED. This is the coolest musical I have ever been in, and it's so awesome to have so many talented kids, a good sound system, an awesome pit band, a beautiful set, and totally cute costumes! Seriously, this show is gonna rock.

Time to get back to work. Oh! Here is a blog post from Civic's blog about my character! Happy reading and more news later! :)