Thursday, May 15, 2008

me time

You'd think I'd get enough of it, between the 6 hours I spend alone in a newsroom at night and the 14-odd hours I spend alone at home during the day.

But being alone and having time to myself don't seem to be the same thing.

I think it started with a stressful week of work. There are a lot of changes going on at the station. There are ALWAYS changes. It's a TV station. Change is the norm, as I'm finding out more and more. But lately it's been like a mass exodus, to borrow the cliche. Lots of people are leaving, and it's like we can't get people filled into the open spots fast enough, so everyone ends up pulling a little extra weight, and some people end up pulling a LOT of extra weight, and then they get stressed out, and that makes other people worry, and then morale is affected. Plus we had elections, which is the kind of stress I thrive on but still am relieved when it's over. And for some reason, my patience seems to have gotten shorter.

I think it's because I need a vacation.

I applied for (and apparently was granted) some time off in August to go to the lake with Marla, which I'm very much looking forward to. But I think I need to take a day toward the end of this month Not to really do anything or go anywhere in particular...just not to work!

I do feel like I've gotten a second wind, as it were, when it comes to my job. I'm starting to work faster and catch more mistakes. I feel like for awhile I was getting burnt-out. But I think the prospect of some time off has re-energized me. Plus the weather is getting warmer, and that affects my mood and motivation as well.

But I still feel like I've been more stressed out lately; maybe because I'm starting to take more responsibility for my job, rather than just take the "I'm new at this" approach? I don't know. But I think it caught up with me, because I've had this mild but thoroughly obnoxious cold all week and I end up sleeping for like 12 hours a day. Meaning I don't pick up after myself or wash dishes, and so I've been living in absolute filth all week.

Today I thought, I really need to take care of this stuff so I can take care of myself. Because you know how it is; you don't feel good, so you let stuff go, and then you're so buried in the mess that you don't want to even start cleaning it up, but you can't really be comfortable or relaxed with all that mess all over the place. So I took care of some things.

I paid a bill that was due. I turned in my resigned lease. I picked up my bedroom, which had been a HUGE dump; clothes and hangers and shoes everywhere. I got everything in a drawer or in a closet. I made my bed. I folded and put away all my laundry, and I put all the dirty laundry in the laundry basket. I picked up the living room. I cleaned the bathroom.

I still have a Big Rock Candy Mountain's worth of dishes taking over my kitchen, but I'll tackle that tonight or maybe even tomorrow.

I made an appointment to get my hair cut tomorrow morning after work. My hair is so long I can put it in a ponytail. It's a short, stumpy little ponytail, but still. Way too long! I think it's been like 2 months since I last got it cut. My roots are showing so bad, my bangs have disappeared, and I know I've got split ends of the worst kind.

So I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow.

Also, I've been searching for a swimsuit. I haven't bought a new suit since the summer after my sophomore year of college. That is a LONG time to go without getting a new suit. The one I picked out in this catalogue is REALLY pretty. I worry a little about ordering stuff online because I can't try it on, but I've been everywhere in town and haven't found anything I like, so I figure the worst thing that happens is I have to ship this suit back if it doesn't fit.

Also, I think I'll go to the tanning bed tomorrow. I know, it's bad for you and it makes you smell weird, but it's been really rainy and gross here and I want a head-start on my tan for when the pool opens and my new swimsuit gets here! I'm a girl! Sue me!

I can't tell you how much more relaxed I feel when everything is neat and tidy around here! I think cleaning does me just as much good as sleeping when it comes to feeling relaxed and well-rested! Although a combination of the two is the ideal situation. Speaking of which, I haven't slept yet today.

Good night!

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